Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ñame that Film: klvalus Edtiion!

Hi Ya'll,

Blood and I have a new edition of Name that Film: klvalus edition! up and running on my Bolt Backer 21 blog! You're envited to come check it out and play along! Good luck!!! Just click on the link http://boltbacker21.blogspot.com/2009/07/name-that-film-kvalus-edition-animal.html and you will be there!


  1. OMG...you guys crack me up! I'll head over when I get a break from clients!!

    This outta be good.

    Hey Bolt - Did Blood get his invite and join on here yet??

  2. Glad you are happy to be thrown into the center of attention. I believe he got the email, but we may want to send it again.
